
ClearBlue Awarded Best Advisory/Consultancy North American Markets

Written by ClearBlue Markets | Dec 17, 2018 5:43:00 PM

ClearBlue Markets is honoured to be recognized in Environmental Finance Magazine’s 19th Annual Market Rankings as the Best Advisory/Consultancy in the North American Carbon Markets (All) for the second year in a row and as the Best Advisory/Consultancy in the North American Carbon Markets (California).


ClearBlue is at the forefront of North America’s carbon markets, providing expertise and guidance across markets including the WCI’s Cap & Trade program, the Canadian Federal Carbon Pricing Backstop and emerging carbon pricing programs. ClearBlue is actively advising entities and organizations across North America and continues to bring its extensive carbon market knowledge and experience to both the market and regulatory aspects of carbon pricing and other low carbon initiatives such as the Clean Fuel Standard. As the EU market transitions to a new period, ClearBlue is increasingly active in the EU-ETS during this important time, bringing our extensive experience in this market and our full commitment to our clients. With a carbon market focus, ClearBlue delivers integrated and cutting-edge solutions to manage carbon value and continues to provide leading market and regulatory analysis through our weekly market updates, supply and demand reports and live updates. On behalf of the entire ClearBlue team, we would like to thank our clients and peers for their support and recognition as the Best Advisory/Consultancy in the North American Carbon Markets (All and California). We look forward to working with you and serving the global carbon markets in 2019.


Read Environmental Finance's article featuring ClearBlue's Managing Director of Origination, Michael Berends, and Managing Director of Markets, Nicolas Girod.