
ClearBlue contributes to ECO's 2018 Greenhouse Gas Progress Report

Written by ClearBlue Markets | Sep 25, 2018 4:35:00 PM

ClearBlue Markets is a proud contributor to the ECO 2018 Greenhouse Gas Progress Report. Ontario's Environmental Commissioner, Dianne Saxe, released the 2018 Greenhouse Gas Progress Report "Climate Action in Ontario: What's Next?" 

The report addresses the cancellation of the Cap & Trade program, its impact on the province and explores what a new and effective climate law in Ontario should look like.


The cancellation of the province's Cap & Trade program has left Ontario without effective policies to address climate change. The revenue from the Cap & Trade program was beginning to bring large benefits to Ontario by funding energy efficiency projects and incentivizing low carbon development.

Ontario can still have effective climate policies through regulating polluters, a polluter pays principle and investing in solutions.

According to the report, "a meaningful climate law needs science-based emissions budgets, a legal obligation to stay within those budgets, and credible, transparent progress reporting".  

Read the full report here