
ClearBlue contributes to the ECO Annual GHG Report

Written by ClearBlue Markets | Jan 30, 2018 4:04:00 PM

ClearBlue provided insight on Ontario's Cap & Trade program for the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario's (ECO) 2017 GHG Progress Report "Ontario's Climate Act: From Plan to Progress".

The 2017 Annual GHG Progress Report provides a review of the province's first year of its Cap & Trade program, Cap & Trade revenue, linkage with the California and Quebec programs, Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) programs and policies and Ontario's growing GHG sources.

The report stresses that although the first year of Ontario's Cap & Trade was a success, there is still a lot of work to be done in terms of spending auction revenues on effective and meaningful GHG reduction programs.

Read the full report here