
ClearBlue Markets strengthens its international offset coverage via partnership with RepuTex

Written by ClearBlue Markets | Sep 15, 2021 8:06:00 PM

ClearBlue Markets is pleased to announce a strategic partnership with RepuTex to offer broader coverage of the world’s carbon markets to our European and North American customers.  

As climate change is a global problem, it is critical that communication occur worldwide, across all levels, to address its impacts and search for solutions. With over 60 carbon pricing instruments now in place worldwide, and more scheduled to be implemented, the collaboration will offer our clients wider access to the dynamic and ever-growing space of international carbon offset prices and market analysis. 

The partnership will provide ClearBlue Markets clients with access to RepuTex’s Australian offset prices and market analysis, while RepuTex clients will gain access to ClearBlue Markets coverage of international voluntary offset prices, and the EU ETS.


The collaboration will also include events and research collaborations on worldwide carbon markets, facilitating broader knowledge-sharing to support positive climate action across all sectors.  

Research is now available via the Clear Blue Markets client Portal, including:

  • Historical and daily Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU) spot price

  • Offset project registrations

  • Issuance of Australian carbon credit units

  • Voluntary cancellations by type

If you have any questions, please reach out to the Clear Blue Markets team.


About ClearBlue Markets 

ClearBlue Markets is a leading carbon pricing specialist company that has pioneered the carbon markets since 2000. The ClearBlue team has unmatched practical experience in all aspects of Carbon Pricing markets, ranging from policy through to compliance management, trading and offset development. With this market focus, ClearBlue is devoted to providing integrated and cutting edge solutions to capture and manage carbon value. 

About RepuTex Energy  

RepuTex is a leading research and advisory firm covering the Australian carbon emissions, renewable energy, and electricity markets. We provide forward looking market intelligence and pricing insights to over 150 customers across Australia and Asia-Pacific including high emitting companies and large energy users, project developers, investors, and government policymakers.  

The company is a winner of the China Light and Power-Australia China Business Award for energy and climate research across Asia-Pacific.