
ClearBlue Supports Carbon Forward North America 2024 Conference as Diamond Sponsor

Written by Laurie Smith | May 16, 2024 9:53:28 PM
ClearBlue is pleased to support the inaugural Carbon Forward North America conference on June 11 and 12 at the beautiful Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto. As a Diamond sponsor, we are excited to offer our valued clients 30% off the regular ticket price (with code CFT30) until May 31 and 20% off for registrations after May 31 and before June 6 (with code CFT20).

Learn from North American Carbon Market Experts About:
  • trends in North American compliance carbon markets and policies
  • investors' take on the markets and how they are investing
  • emission reduction project types (nature-based and removals)
  • rating agencies
  • the corporate perspective on involvement in carbon markets
Click here for program details and registration information.
We hope you will join us!