
Deloitte Canada and ClearBlue Markets join forces to unlock carbon value in the path to net zero

Written by ClearBlue Markets | May 10, 2020 8:45:00 PM

Deloitte Canada and ClearBlue Markets announced today a new strategic alliance that will help organizations understand and manage their carbon compliance positions and net zero commitments. The move combines Deloitte's world-class advisory and technology capabilities with ClearBlue's deep experience in carbon markets, including market analysis, offset project development, risk management and transactions. 

The alliance comes at a time when regulators are introducing increased climate reporting compliance requirements around the cost of carbon and climate disclosures, resulting in companies needing to better understand their carbon position and financial exposure more than ever. 

By incorporating ClearBlue’s technology enabled carbon market guidance into Deloitte’s end-to-end net-zero capabilities, organizations will have access to best-in-class insights as they navigate the energy transition. Clients are facing increased costs and uncertainty in global voluntary offset procurement and across different regulatory frameworks and carbon markets such as the Canadian Output-Based Pricing System (OBPS), Clean Fuel Regulation, Quebec Cap-and-Trade, Alberta Technology Innovation and Emissions Reduction (TIER), and BC Low Carbon Fuel Standards (BC LCSF). Navigating these frameworks in the context of pursuing net zero strategy is of strategic importance to commercializing opportunities and managing risks.

“There has been a fundamental shift in how our clients think about the value of carbon as they navigate compliance and voluntary commitments in the market.” said Henry Stoch, Partner and National Leader, Sustainability & Climate Change at Deloitte Canada. “Aligning Deloitte with ClearBlue Markets strengthens our mutual capabilities to guide clients through carbon policy impacts, and ultimately inform and optimize their carbon positions.”  

This move strengthens Deloitte’s Centre for Sustainability and Climate Action and how it continues to support clients through their entire lower carbon journey. The new alliance with ClearBlue offers further analysis into compliance and voluntary carbon markets and the policy impacts on a company’s bottom line.  

“Many companies are baffled – and rightly so – as to where to start when thinking about corporate compliance or voluntary carbon targets. This alliance between ClearBlue and Deloitte provides companies a clear choice for who to contact when they want the confidence, insights and tools to actually achieve their carbon compliance and net zero targets.” Said Fiona Oliver-Glasford, President, ClearBlue Markets.