
Michael Berends to present at APPrO 2017's Carbon Market Session

Written by ClearBlue Markets | Oct 10, 2017 2:38:00 PM


On November 20 & 21, 2017, the Association of Power Producers of Ontario (APPrO) will be hosting the 29th Annual Canadian Power Conference and Networking Centre.

The APPrO conference is an opportunity for key players in the power industry to come together and discuss the pressing issues and major changes that the industry is currently facing. PC leader Patrick Brown, the Hon. Glenn Thibeault Ontario's Minister of Energy and the Hon. Chris Ballard, Ontario's Minister of Environment and Climate Change are among the big names that will be providing their perspectives on the challenges, opportunities and future of the Power industry in Ontario.  

ClearBlue's Michael Berends will be presenting at the Carbon Markets: Issues and Opportunities for Generation and Storage session, providing ClearBlue's insight to carbon risk management and forecasts in Ontario. He will be joining the panel to discuss in depth the latest linkage of California, Quebec and Ontario's Cap & Trade programs and what that means for Ontario, the new offset regime in Ontario, the Pan - Canadian Framework and the Federal Low Carbon Economy Fund and its implications for the electricity sector.  

To learn more about the conference and for further details about the agenda and speakers, please visit: